Develop your creative confidence to put expressive arts at the heart of early years practice and create inspirational learning spaces for babies and children.
Our energetic, colourful and fun artist-led sessions will demonstrate how creativity is central to every child’s healthy development and how you can use expressive arts such as music, drama, puppetry, visual art, multi-sensory storytelling and creative movement to:
- Facilitate deep learning
- Encourage exploration
- Develop curiosity, imagination and decision-making skills
- Stimulate dialogue, connection and empathy
- Enable self-expression (particularly in children who are pre or non-verbal or struggling with difficult emotions)
- Support delivery of key policies including Pre-birth to Three and early level Curriculum for Excellence
- Improve parental engagement
Starcatchers’ Creative Skills commissioned training can be adapted meet the needs of individual settings. It is generally made up of an introductory session followed by sessions with a practical focus on all or a combination of music, drama, puppetry, visual art, story-telling and creative movement.
Contact for further information.