Module 7: National STEM CPL Module

Lifetime access
All levels
30 lessons
0 quizzes

Welcome to the National Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) CPL resource for early years! The module is designed to inspire confidence, develop new ideas and to instil a fresh outlook on early learning in STEM. You are encouraged to progress through the module at your own pace and convenience.

Staff skills, knowledge and confidence in delivering learning in STEM subjects.

The Early Years sector in Scotland is at a key point in its development, with high quality education and care at the heart of Early Years provision. Throughout this module, you will be supported to develop skills, knowledge and confidence in delivering learning in STEM subjects in the Early Years.

Successful completion of this module counts towards SSSC’s CPL requirements and can be added to your MyLearning app record.

To register for this module Please see the Introduction page

Open Badge Information

Open Badge: Module 7: National STEM CPL Module

Introductory Video

We hope that you enjoy the module and if you have any questions at all, please see the introductory page for contact details.

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