Coaching for managers and leaders

Providing high quality early learning and childcare is one of the most important jobs anyone can do for children and families. But it is very complicated, very hard work, and sometimes it is easy to get discouraged or wonder if we are doing right by the children, their families, or our staff.

Solution focussed coaching is a gentle, friendly and sometimes even playful way of looking at problems and finding ways forward. We get to answers by discovering (or rediscovering) our strengths and new, often exciting, ways to use them.

But it is also an oasis. A space away from the noise and bustle to think, to be heard and to listen to ourselves.

Having a coach can help with all this. Not to be told what to do, or what you are doing wrong, but to have a friendly ear to listen and a positive but constructively critical companion to help solve problems or just be there for you. It can be a one-off, or sometimes people like regular sessions for a while. A short try out session is always possible.

Training Overview

Coaching sessions are provided by James McTaggart, a chartered educational psychologist of nearly 20 years’ experience, with specialisms in early years and childhood trauma. James is an experienced coach, trained in solution focussed practice and has provided coaching support to a wide range of people from international charities to small childminding settings. Sessions are offered online to reduce costs, and are very much led by you in terms of what is covered. They can be adjusted in length to suit, from 30 minutes up to an hour and can be arranged either as one-offs or as a regular series. Please simply enquire with any questions and without obligation

These trainings are delivered by James McTaggart, a chartered educational psychologist of nearly 20 years’ experience, with specialisms in early years and childhood trauma. James is widely sought after as a trainer and speaker, providing support and consultation to national developments such as parentclub, the national ELC modules, as well as being one of the writers of Realising the Ambition. He enjoys sharing ideas and chatting on social media and can be found at @JamesEdPsych on Twitter. Content draws on the national practice guidance, quality frameworks and international research. It can be tailored to the particular needs of participants if the description above does not quite fit requirements. Offered online to reduce costs, they are a mix of interesting and up to date input with lively discussions and take-away resources and activities for practitioners or managers to try out. Sessions can be adjusted in length to suit, from one hour up to two hours each, and also chained together to make a half or full day as required. Trailers for some of the topics can be found on the website.

Provider Title:
Happy and Learning Training

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Training is provided by a specialist educational psychologist, registered and regulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (PYL01053), and a chartered member of the British Psychological Society. Content is based on nearly 20 years of practice experience with children, families and staff, as well as on constantly updated knowledge of relevant research literature. Every session offered is rigorously evaluated for content and delivery and data is used to make improvements for future offers.

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