Induction for new workers to school age childcare

This session has been created to give you an understanding of what working in school age childcare might look like, and give you the initial knowledge you’ll need to help you get started.

Training Overview –

This session has been broken down into 6 main sections:

  • What is school age childcare?
  • Partner organisations
  • Relevant Legislation and frameworks
  • Qualifications and training
  • Useful Knowledge to Get You Started
  • Polices, procedures and questions to ask

The Scottish Out of School Care Network is the national charity supporting the development of high quality out of school care in Scotland. We currently (December 2018) offer: Free physical activity and wellbeing training across Scotland, we are currently providing training for trainers for CALA staff to help deliver this in the Highlands Free STEM training with only a few places left on the course starting January 2019 in partnership with West college Scotland at their Paisley Campus. Purchasable training across Scotland on: Resilience and adverse childhood experiences – introduction, including film screening, with a low charge to cover costs only. Mentoring training for quality improvement (usually member services undertaking Achieving Quality Scotland, our quality assurance resource for out of school care). Bespoke training tailored to out of school care service needs and requests. For example: Business and financial planning for out of school care, management, supervision and appraisal, consulting children in out of school care, planning and using space for out of school care. There is a training section on our website with instructions on how to book or request training.

Provider Title:
Scottish Out of School Care Network

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SOSCN manage Achieving Quality Scotland (AQS). This is a quality assurance scheme designed to help school age childcare services in Scotland improve their practice and ultimately give children and young people within their care the best possible opportunities in terms of play, care and informal learning. Although our training is not currently externally quality assured, we take the same ethos of AQS into our training offerings, regularly reviewing and adapting training content to take into consideration updates to best practice guidance, legislation and membership feedback.

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