Education Scotland: A summary of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) resources

The Education Scotland: National Improvement Hub -Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) page, summarises the latest professional learning resources available from Education Scotland.

The list of available resources covers a wide variety of themes including pedagogy, observations, inclusion and equality, practice exemplars and lots more. The resources are updated on an ongoing basis so please check this link regularly to explore what is currently on offer.

To access the Education Scotland National Improvement ELC page, please click the link below.

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Education Scotland is a Scottish Government executive agency charged with supporting quality and improvement in Scottish education and thereby securing the delivery of better learning experiences and outcomes for Scottish learners of all ages. The sessions on offer, aim to support practitioners to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure excellence and equity for Scotland’s children.

Provider Title:
Education Scotland

Contact Number:
0131 244 4330

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Education Scotland are committed to delivering high quality professional learning sessions for practitioners. These sessions are based upon current research, and practice from across the country. Through internal quality assurance processes and requesting and acting upon participant feedback, sessions are continually developed and adapted to meet participants needs.

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