Outdoor Play and Learning Training

We deliver a wide range of tailored outdoor play and learning opportunities and like for our training to be designed specifically for the groups and organisations we work with. We will arrange a time to meet with clients to ensure we tailor a programme that suits their organisations needs. Topics to explore within our training include, Risk Assessment outdoors, Risky Play (Inc fire use), Tool Use, Outdoor Play and Practicalities, Setting up an outdoor site, Creative Play and much more.

We deliver a wide range of tailored outdoor play and learning opportunities and like for our training to be designed specifically for the groups and organisations we work with. We will arrange a time to meet with clients to ensure we tailor a programme that suits their organisations needs. Topics to explore within our training include, Risk Assessment outdoors, Risky Play (Inc fire use), Tool Use, Outdoor Play and Practicalities, Setting up an outdoor site, Creative Play and much more.

Provider Title:
Operation Play Outdoors

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Our training programmes are designed to meet the requirements of our clients, before any bookings are made we like to meet with a representative from your organisation to discuss the outcomes you’re trying to achieve. From there we will tailor a programme to fit those outcomes and keep you informed of the planning with regular updates and opportunities for you to adjust before training commences. With any set training programmes our outcomes will be clearly identified before training with the opportunity for all participants to ask questions. Our training is delivered by skilled, qualified and insured facilitators at all times and we take pride in the programmes we put together. We are professional in our approach and will regularly offer participants the opportunity to ask any questions throughout our sessions. After each session our trainer will ask you to complete a feedback form to ensure we receive your feedback on the training provided. All feedback provided is used to inform future training and ensure we continue to deliver to a high standard. There will also be the opportunity to answer a short email survey which will allow another opportunity for participants to share their thoughts on the programme.

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